Why Does Hola Prime Deliver

1-Hour Payouts?

Why Does Hola Prime


To provide good service to our clients. We work on our toes. We proactively monitor accounts continuously. This helps us in 2 ways:-

  1. We are able to avert traders’ rule breaches by pre-emptively giving them risk alerts to avoid breaches.
  2. We know their payout amounts before they request one.


Solid Payout System

Our 10-point Solid Payout System ensures that we are able to fulfil our commitment of 1-hour payouts to our clients, on all days.

Robust Policies

We follow a water-tight Policies Manual to ensure efficient and accurate processing of all payouts.​

Daily Payouts Planning​

Each day, we assess earnings and review the payout obligations for the next day to ensure sufficient funds are available for all anticipated requests.​

Dedicated Payout Account

We maintain a separate account exclusively for payouts, keeping these funds secure and completely separate from operational expenses. This is vouched on a daily basis by our independent Risk team.

Cushion Fund

A financial buffer of 30–40% is always maintained to cover unexpected payout demands or increased transaction volumes.

Compliance Verification

The Compliance & Risk Management team meticulously reviews all payout requests to confirm:

Risk Monitoring

We monitor trading activity 24/7 to detect discrepancies or irregular patterns, ensuring payouts reflect genuine profits.

Maker-Checker System

Our Finance team uses a dual-verification process where one team member initiates the payout, and another verifies it to eliminate errors and ensure accuracy.

Daily Reconciliations

There are daily reconciliations at the end of the day between payments made and the planning done on the previous day. Compliance team signs off these reconciliations diligently.

Strong PSP Partnerships

We partner with reliable Payment Service Providers (PSP) for both fiat and crypto transactions, enabling fast, secure, and multi-currency payout options.

Swift Execution

By integrating compliance, risk management, and financial operations seamlessly by the clock, we process every payout within 1 hour.

Guaranteed 1 Hour Payouts

Get paid under 60 minutes, every single time.

Each day, we proactively monitor accounts to ensure traders stay within the rules, issuing timely risk alerts to help them avoid breaches. By calculating payouts at the end of every trading day, we stay ahead - verifying compliance and preparing payout amounts in advance. This means when traders request a withdrawal, their payout is already ready, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience.

Quick Payouts

with multiple payment methods

Please note that all accounts we provide to our clients are demo accounts with virtual funds. All trading happens in a simulated environment only. For more information, please visit our FAQs section.